Have trouble creating a Presentation?
Years of experience of presenting information, whether it be in the form of creating infographics or plain text in a graphic manner has become an expertise that is, in my opinion, a quality that one does not find very easily. They say that a picture can speak what a thousand words cannot. No, I am not indulging in self-praise, but only extolling a virtue that many people may not be aware of. This infographic was essentially composed using plain old Microsoft Powerpoint 2003. With the advent of #SmartGraphics which debuted in Microsoft Office 2007, this has become somewhat more of a breeze to accomplish. At this point, I would like to present some of the #InfoGraphics created by me at various stages of my career, some of which have, admittedly been created for some other person and not for my personal use, however the copyright for the same vests with me, so there are no plagiarism involved. My Income-Tax Community Tribute-JiahKhan-20130604 TusharOmPrakashGup...